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【周一至周日 09:00-20:00】
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发布时间:2018-01-29 浏览人数:2306次 新闻来源:犀牛云·解决方案


Alibaba has doubled in the last year




January 25, Alibaba hit a new record, and Trading Analysis.com founder Todd Gordon said that the stock will see even more highs when it reports earnings next Thursday.

“该股从去年9月份开始一路上涨到了现在,2018整个股票市场还将持续升温。” 著名分析师Todd Gordon在CNBC的节目上说。

"The stock had been consolidating in September, October and right through the end of 2017," he said on CNBC's "Trading Nation. " But in 2018, markets are booming.” he said. "We're seeing a nice push up."



Letv’s stock will resume soon



January 24, Letv released a statement about resuming stocks.


Due to the arrears of other companies , Letv’s cash flow was extremely tight, all kinds of income fell sharply.


同时,公司日常运营成本并未相应减少,且融资成本大幅增加;此外,关联方应收款项存在部分回收困难的情形,公司存在 2017 年度计提大额坏账准备的可能。上述各因素导致公司 2017 年经营业绩存在大幅下滑的风险。

At the same time, the operating costs didn’t reduce, and the cost of financing has increased dramatically. The company was facing large amount of bad debts. From the above, explaining the decrease in operating performance.



佛系手游“旅行青蛙”称霸App Store免费榜

“Tabi Kaeru” Dominated the IOS App Store without any press


近日,一款名为“旅行青蛙”的日本手游登顶国区App Store免费下载榜,游戏界面只有三个场景——家、庭院和商店。

China’s latest gaming hit is Tabi Kaeru, a travelling frog from Japan.



Players collect clover leaves and use them to buy food and other items to help the frog in its travels around the world.



The animal later returns with “gifts” and snapshots of where it has been for the player.



滴滴宣布成立人工智能实验室AI Labs

Didi Chuxing opened AI research lab in Beijing



1月26日,滴滴揭晓了自己在人工智能领域的下一步动作:AI Labs(人工智能实验室)项目,并正式启动。

Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing has unveiled the next stage in its artificial intelligence (AI) efforts with the opening of a new AI research lab in Beijing.


就在一个月前,滴滴(Didi Chuxing)宣布完成了新一轮40亿美元融资,以进一步加大对AI(人工智能)交通技术的投入。

The move comes one month after Didi Chuxing announced a fresh $4 billion in funding, and will push the development in AI Traffic.




关键词:阿里巴巴 乐视
上一篇:【牛人榜】幸福都是奋斗出来的,犀牛云集团2017年度表彰名单(上) 下一篇:龙腾云商成功上线,3C电商又一黑马出现!
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